This weekend I swapped messages with 2 people who are about to start their photography businesses. They are both confident with camera and client skills, but starting a business is the great unknown. I started to make a list of business things to consider. In most cases, these things are not hard, they are just new. Keep in mind I’m not an adviser, a lawyer, or an accountant – I’m a photographer. I have done each of these things in setting up and running my own business. Here are 10 things to consider as you start your photography business.

Setting up in business is an exciting time. Enjoy it!
1. How Your Business Will Operate? There are a variety of ways a business can operate (this varies depending on what country you are in). Will you operate as a sole trader? Will you establish a company? Here is Australia the simplest way to start operating is as a sole trader. This is how I first set up my business operations. As the business grew I changed to a company structure which is how I operate today. If you want expert advice, an accountant will be able to give you the pros and cons of different business structures.
2. Register Your Business. Once you have decided how your business will operate you need to register your business. Again, this process is different in different countries. Here in Australia you need to get an ABN number. This can be done online at If you want help an accountant will be able to assist in understanding and completing this process.
3. Insurance. Now that you are in business you will need to get appropriate insurance to protect your business in the event of something going wrong. Your photography equipment may have previously been covered under your contents policy. Now that you are using it for commercial purposes it is unlikely to be covered by your domestic policy. Insuring it under a commercial policy is the answer. And very importantly, you will need Public Liability Insurance. Here in Australia it is available for just a few hundred dollars per year from any of the major insurance companies or through an insurance broker.
4. Bank Account. You will need a separate bank account for your business. This keeps the businesses banking needs separate to your personal ones. Here in Australia it is very straightforward to set up a business bank account. I have mine with the same bank I do my personal banking with. They offer a fee-free business account which is nice.
5. Online Presence. Having an online presence is a key business tool. I see some beginners setting up pages on Facebook as their only online presence. This makes me cringe. You are going to need your own website if you want to control how your information is laid out and presented. Social media channels like Facebook and Google+ can be used to drive traffic to your website, but you will need a functioning website as your foundation.
6. Marketing Materials. I am avoiding going into the topic of generating clients here. Let’s just say that when you are starting out it is handy to have some simple marketing materials – like business cards, letterhead, envelopes, note paper etc. It adds to your credibility and can present you much more professionally than an enthusiast who just has a camera and a smile. Choose what you like and fits into your budget.

Take time to set your business up, so when you are with a client you can focus on great images
7. Contracts. Contracts are critical in photography business. They outline the agreement between you and your client. Make sure your contract covers what services will be provided, who owns copyright, and issues around model releases. I have never had a disagreement with a client about services or price, but its nice to know that if I did, I have a written contract to revert to. Some sample contracts are available online, but talking to a lawyer will give you peace of mind.
8. Invoicing System. Starting in business means you are planning to get paid for your work. To do this you need an invoicing system in place. That is a fancy way of saying, you need to know how you will get a bill to your client. Don’t be intimidated by this – when I started my system was to hand write all my invoices! I bought an invoice book at the local stationery store and literally hand wrote invoices to my clients. Low tech but effective.
9. Understand Expenses. When you set up in business, understanding the revenue side of your business is straightforward – it is the amount of money your clients are paying your business. Understanding expenses is slightly more complex, only because some of your personal expenses will be tax deductible expenses to your business. For example, if you are driving your personal vehicle to shoot weddings, the mileage you are doing in your vehicle can be claimed as a company expense. It is worthwhile talking to an accountant about business expenses.
10. Learn from those Who’ve Been There Before. There is now a good range of business photography books available with some outstanding advice. Three that I really like are:
- The Photographers MBA by Sal Cincotta
- Visionmongers by David Du Chemin
- Fast Track Photographer by Dane Sanders
Keep in mind that getting started in business is not complex and you shouldn’t feel over whelmed. I hope these ’10 things to consider as you start your photography business’ have been useful. Have you set up in business? What was the most challenging aspect? If you haven’t set up yet and would like some more help, please add a comment to this post.
Thanks Craig for the blog. It was so perfect for where I’m at, starting a photography business. Most of the things you listed I’ve done which is reassuring but not all of them. I also found your 10 things list not overwhelming which can be the case with some sites. Instead I found it clear, precise and encouraging as I head in this new, exciting and slightly scary direction.
Thanks for the post Jodie. It’s great to hear that you have found it relevant and helpful. Exciting and slightly scary is good – well done to you.
I would also add that it’s a good idea to have business cards printed. These cards can have your contact information on one side, including a link to your portfolio, and on the other side, I recommend showing an example of your work. Thanks for sharing these tips!
Thanks very much Catherine. I agree that business cards are very worthwhile. For established businesses they are still an excellent “one to one” marketing tool, and for new businesses they add credibility. There’s no doubt a well presented business card should be part of the marketing mix. Thanks again for reading and commenting.
Highly appreciate your valuable points 3, 4, 8, 9 and 10. Myself in the process of extending to the next step and these things helped me to ensure the right path.
Thanks for your comments Maddy and welcome to Beyond Here. I’m glad those points have been useful to you. As you are extending your business, I’d encourage you to check out the books mentioned in the post. Visionmongers, The Photographers MBA, and Fast Track Photographer are all great resources. Thanks again for your comment, and I hope you continue to find Beyond Here useful to your business.
I’m curious as to why you feel a website is crucially important. Facebook can hold all the contact details, an IM service as well as some lower res examples of your work, customer feedback etc. As long as you point people to your Instagram and Flickr portals (for higher res and proper uncompressed viewing), I’m not sure what paying for a website will bring. Isn’t it just another headache for the starterupper? Sure, if the business is chugging along nicely and you have time and money for website design, nice to have, but in this day and age I know of a few very good professional photographers around these parts that don’t seem to have a website at all! (some don’t even bother with Flick’r, just facebook and instagram)…
Otherwise tho I think great advice that I will take on board.
Hi Eddy, thanks for your comment. Yes, I know photographers without websites. Many are doing well. I also know photographers who relied on their facebook page for all their business leads. When facebook changed the way their posts got shared, their business halved overnight. So, is it essential to have a website when you are starting? No. Relying on your social media channels has risk. Having a website provides an online communication medium which you control. Whether it’s for you, that’s your decision. Thanks for reading and commenting. Best wishes.
I really like everything you said, especially simple things like business cards, these things matter when meeting face to face.
My knowledge of fb from a business point of view is very limited I’ll admit, I just thought that perhaps funds placed into that rather than the more expensive website (with less possible traction) might be an option (I’m not for one minute thinking that the fb business would be free if wanting to reach a target audience).
I thought about this, and of course if funds and time allowed have both is great, but perhaps allocating funds that were intended for a website but instead trying to get onto fb feeds is money better spent. Certainly something I’m going to look into.
Great advice once again.